
How to Cleanse Your Energy with Water and Salt

How to Cleanse Your Energy with Water and Salt

Did you know that when you combine water and salt, you unlock some serious energy cleansing power? You can use this magical mix to cleanse your aura. It’s super-easy, very effective and will leave you feeling oh-so-good…

What is the Aura?

Every living being is actually made up of energy. Some of this energy is very dense. This dense energy is what makes up our physical bodies and is easily perceived by our five senses.

But our energy field extends much further than the boundaries of our physical bodies. While we may not sense this part of our beings as easily with our basic senses, we are all indeed surrounded by extensions of our physical bodies, called our energy bodies or fields, or our aura. And in fact, with practice, we can train ourselves to see, feel and sense the auras of ourselves and others.

Why Would I Want to Cleanse My Aura?

 Sorry but, I need your attention real quick…

SUPER TEDIOUS DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and the information and techniques presented here do not constitute medical advice. Reiki is an amazing method of healing that can make up an important part of your holistic health care regime. Healing and medicine are two very different disciplines. Nothing I’m presenting here is meant as a replacement for regular medical or psychiatric care, and you should always seek medical advice from a qualified doctor or practitioner in the case of illness, or whenever you’re in doubt about trying out any new health boosting techniques.

While our auras may be more difficult for us to perceive than our physical bodies, they do exist and their health influences our life experiences just as much as our physical bodies’ health does. So it’s really important to tend to our auras’ health and well-being, including by keeping them free and clear of negative energy and debris. In fact, almost all illnesses develop first in the energy field before symptoms become present in the physical body. So by keeping our energy fields clear, we may be able to prevent the development of certain illnesses.

You can cleanse your aura at absolutely any time. Some people like to do it daily or weekly. But you may wish to do it just as needed.

Some examples of specific times that you may want to cleanse your aura include when:

  • You’re feeling weighed down or lethargic
  • You’re feeling negative or pessimistic
  • You’re under-the-weather, or also when you’re experiencing a chronic illness
  • You’ve been around “negative” or stressful people or spent time in a place that felt dark or negative
  • You wish to draw the energy of new beginnings into your life
  • You need to prepare for a sacred ritual

All of these instances are great times for you to cleanse your aura with salt water. When you do this, the unwanted or “negative” energies will become trapped in the salt and wash away, out of your energy field, leaving you feeling clear and refreshed.

Why Should I Use Water and Salt to Cleanse My Aura?

Both water and salt have long been revered as energetically cleansing substances. There are many ways to cleanse your aura, or energy body. But water and salt make a classic combo. Here’s why.

I think just about everyone understands the basic cleansing properties of water. When your mom told you to wash up for dinner, you didn’t go swirl your hands around in the dirt in the garden. Water, as it passes over an area, including our muddied hands, takes the dirt with it leaving behind only a clean surface.

But perhaps of even greater importance, is that water is a very easily “programmed” substance. This means that it holds onto both the thought and emotional vibrations that are emitted, either intentionally or unintentionally, from the people and beings around it. So this means that it can both absorb and hold energy very easily and effectively. We can use this property to our advantage when it comes to the energetic cleansing of our auras. When we use water with the intention of cleansing our auras by sweeping away negative energy and debris, the water will help to grab and absorb this energy and then remove it from our energy field.

The salt in this process works to further cleanse you of any negative energies. Now you may be wondering how or why does this happen? The type of salt that I recommend you use in this process is “rock salt.” It is also known as halite, which is the mineral form of sodium chloride. Yup, that’s right. It’s a crystal. And crystals have some pretty amazing abilities to help us. Halite’s crystal “super-power” is the ability to transmute, or transform dense and unharmonious energies, into more usable, harmless energies.

For this reason, salt has been being used as an energetically protective substance for thousands of years. It was even used back in the early sixteenth century in the Roman Catholic religion. And having used salt as a cleansing agent many times over the course of the last 20 years, I can definitely tell you from my own experience that it works!

Both water and salt have long been revered as energetically cleansing substances. There are many ways to cleanse your aura, or energy body. But water and salt make a classic combo.

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How Do I Cleanse My Aura With Salt Water?

There are three basic ways to try use this method.

Here are the supplies you’ll need:

  • Water
  • Salt
  • A bathtub or
  • A shower or
  • A bowl or bucket

Pick Your Salt Wisely

You can *technically* use regular salt for all of these methods. But I strongly suggest that you choose your salt carefully.

So, to get the best and most complete results, you’re going to want to use sea salt, ideally of Celtic origin, or Pink Himalayan salt, also known as “rock salt,” which is always my first choice. These salts are natural. They have haven’t been processed or stripped of all the naturally occurring minerals and trace elements. Table salt on the other hand, has been reduced to nearly 100% sodium chloride and may have been bleached, contain aluminum or anti-caking agents. In the end, Himalayan or Celtic sea salt are simply more pure, not just physically, but energetically.

However, in a pinch, you can use regular table salt – I know I have. And it will still work pretty well.

First, Set Your Intention

With all of these methods, always begin by setting the intention that your aura will be cleansed and that you are willing to let go of any energies that no longer serve your highest good. If you already do Reiki, you can also activate the energy at this point. If you have them, you can activate the Mental/Emotional symbol and the Power symbol.

Don’t Practice Reiki, Yet?

You’ll notice that in the following techniques, I show you how to use Reiki along with the natural cleansing properties of water and salt to boost your aura cleansing. If you already practice Reiki, then great! And if you don’t, then that’s okay, too.

You have three options about what you can do if you don’t already practice Reiki:

  • Just skip that part of the technique. It will still work! But still be sure to set your intention!
  • Use my Energy Healing 101 course to learn how to activate the natural healing energy that is always available to you – in your own hands. Then activate the energy, and use your energy healing hands the same way that I suggest you use Reiki hands in the following processes.
  • Learn Reiki! Click here if you’re interested in learning this easy and effective healing technique is a comprehensive and credible way!

Aura Cleansing Method # 1: Take a Bath

The first method to cleanse with salt and water is to take a bath and put some Celtic sea salt or Pink Himalayan salt in the bath water.

Before you run your bath, throw anywhere from a couple of normal-sized handfuls, up to one cup of salt into the bottom of the tub. You can do more, but it’s not necessary for this purpose.

Begin to fill the tub with warm to hot water, stirring the water to dissolve the salt. When it’s full and the temperature isn’t too hot, jump in to soak for anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes.

Make sure that you’ve set your intention that this salt bath cleanse your aura of any negative or disharmonious energies.

While you’re soaking in the tub, you can channel Reiki into the water intending that it fill up the entire tub and that the energy help to cleanse and heal you.

When you’re done, you can rinse the salt off in the shower and then let the water, and all of the unwanted energies flow away down the drain.

While you’re rinsing off, you can run your Reiki hands over your aura with the intention that you’re sweeping away any last bits of negative energy. As you get down to your feet, flick the energy off of your hands and into the drain. You can even draw a Mental/Emotional symbol, followed by a Power symbol over the drain, intending that all of the negative energies that have washed away be transmuted into light.

If you’d like, you can draw small Power symbols over each of your chakras, beginning with the root chakra and ending with the crown chakra. You can then draw one large Power symbol over the entire front of your body. Doing this will help to balance and align your chakras. It’s also quite invigorating and healing!

Aura Cleansing Method # 2: Take a Shower

I’ll be honest. I hate baths! I’m always waiting (and wanting) to turn into one of those people that loves to soak in a warm bath at the end of a long, hard day, but I’m just not…So this is my preferred method when it comes to a saltwater cleanse.

What I do is I use this salt and water cleanse in the shower. To do this, once you’re in the shower, make sure you’ve set your intention. Then put a little sprinkle of the Celtic or Himalayan salt in your washcloth, or you can put it in your bare hands, but a wash cloth is actually a lot easier. You can also draw a Mental/Emotional symbol, followed by a Power symbol over the washcloth, intending that the Reiki help to boost the cleansing benefits of this technique.

Then rub the salty washcloth, or your salty hands, all over your body before you cleanse all over with soap. (Obviously, be careful of sensitive areas because salt can sting!). Add more salt as needed.

As you rinse away the salt, let all of the unwanted energies drain away.

Once again, while you’re rinsing off, you can run your Reiki hands over your aura with the intention that you’re sweeping away any last bits of negative energy. Be sure that as you get down to your feet, you flick the energy off of your hands and into the drain. You can even draw a Mental/Emotional symbol, followed by a Power symbol over the drain, intending that all of the negative energies that have washed away be transmuted into light.

And once again, you can finish up by using the Power symbol to help balance and align your chakras.

Aura Cleansing Method # 3: Cleanse on the Fly!

You can also mix up a bowl of salt water using the Celtic or Himalayan salt. Then, set your intention.

Before you begin, you can also draw a Mental/Emotional symbol, followed by a Power symbol over the bowl of salt water. Then channel Reiki into the bowl of salt water for a minute or two, intending that the Reiki help to boost the cleansing benefits of this technique.

Then simply dip your hands in the bowl and then “wipe” or “comb” your aura all over your body with your salt dipped hands. If you do Reiki, you are also using the power of your Reiki hands to sweep away negative energy, which makes this technique even more effective.

When you’re done, you can wash your hands and let any remaining energetic debris simply flow down the drain. And also make sure to pour the remaining salt water down the drain.

Once again you can draw the Reiki symbols over the drain, intending that all of the negative energies that have washed away be transmuted into light.

And once again, you can finish up by using the Power symbol to help balance and align your chakras.

Ritual for New Beginnings

The supplies you’ll need are:

  • The same supplies for the salt and water cleanse
  • Clean clothes
  • A white candle

To do this ritual, choose and use whichever salt and water aura cleansing method you wish. You may wish to set a particular intention when doing this, such as letting go of anything in particular that you feel may be holding you back. If you can be really specific, then do so. State your intention to let go of these particular things and then even visualize them washing away down the drain. But if you’re unsure of what specifically is holding you back, then simply set a general intention to let go of everything that is no longer serving your highest and greatest good.

Once you are finished with the cleansing method you have chosen to use, get dressed in the clean clothes.

Next, light the candle (white would be a good color choice). You can charge the candle with Reiki before lighting it by drawing the symbols over it and then holding your hands around the unlit candle, imagining it filling up completely with Reiki and knowing that as it burns, Reiki with help you to create the new beginning that you desire.

Take a few minutes to channel Reiki into yourself by placing one hand over your heart chakra and one hand over your solar plexus chakra. Take some deep breaths, all the way down into your belly, and allow the energy to fill you up completely. If you don’t do Reiki yet, then just take the deep breaths.

Then, set the intention for a clean start or new beginning. You can say a simple prayer such as this:

“I let go of all that no longer serves my highest and greatest good.

May the space left behind be filled with all manner of good.

May my heart be filled with love and compassion for myself and all beings.

May my body be filled with strength and vitality.

May my mind be filled with positivity and gratitude.

And may my life be filled with all of the blessings of the Universe, for my highest and greatest good and the highest and greatest good of all.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

You can also ask any archangels or ascended masters with whom you are familiar or with whom you work to be present and bless and guide you during this ritual and beyond, into your new beginning.

This ritual is a wonderful opportunity to let your subconscious mind, your Higher Self and the Universe know that you are ready to receive all of the good that is actually available to you in this life.

Now finish the ritual by setting the intention to easily become aware of and to be willing to take all of the action steps necessary in order to help support the creation of your new and improved life.

Seal the ritual by drawing a large Power symbol, if you know it, down the front of your body.

Thanks so much for exploring aura cleansing using water and salt with me here today. I hope you try out these techniques soon and experience the freedom, openness and increased health that regular (or occasional wink ) aura clearing can support.

So Reiki ON, my dear Reiki friends!

Wishing you peace and love and many Reiki blessings,

Tarin Rataic, The Reiki Guide

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Tarin Rataic - The Reiki Guide

Hi, I’m Tarin Rataic, The Reiki Guide! I used Reiki to heal from a disabling illness, and now I get to help others experience their very own healing and blessings. Everything you need to have the life that you want and deserve is within you, right now. My goal is to guide you back to that truth so that you can live your best life. Click here to learn more!

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