Your Solar Plexus Chakra: 5 Quick + Easy Tips to Heal the Origin of Your Power
Your Solar Plexus Chakra: 5 Quick + Easy Tips to Heal the Origin of Your Power
How’s your solar plexus chakra? If you’re like many people, it probably could use some care and support. This is especially likely if you often struggle with low self-esteem, are extremely sensitive to criticism, and feel like you don’t have enough energy.
Because the solar plexus chakra is your source of personal power in this world, helps you to respect yourself and others, as well as be active and healthy, when this chakra gets out of balance, it can leave you feeling weak and powerless. Or perhaps worse, super angry. Plus, this lack of balanced power and strength can take a toll on all of your chakras.
Luckily, you can begin to take a few quick steps today to start giving some much needed love to your solar plexus chakra, which will support the health of all your other chakras.
What are the Chakras?
The chakras are a part of the energy body, or system.
More specifically, the chakras are the seven main energy centers in the body that regulate and process the flow of life force energy in and around each of us. Each chakra is responsible for supplying energy to specific parts of the body, mind and emotions.
To learn more about the chakra system as a whole, check out this blog: Chakras: What They Are and Why They Matter
Where is the Solar Plexus Chakra Located?
The solar plexus chakra is the third chakra. It is located in your upper abdomen.
It’s associated with the pancreas.
Here’s a diagram that shows where the solar plexus chakra is on the human body:
This chakra is also known as Manipura in Sanskrit. The meaning of Manipura is “lustrous gem.”
What Does the Solar Plexus Chakra Do?
Your solar plexus chakra is connected with your level of confidence and self-esteem, the extent to which you’re centered in yourself, i.e., as opposed to being easily influenced by others, and being mentally balanced. The health of this chakra greatly impacts your energy levels and your strength.
It also supplies energy to your digestive system and muscles.
How Do I Know If My Solar Plexus Chakra Needs Support?
Signs of a balanced solar plexus chakra include having a good sense of personal power, respect for oneself and others, and the ability to feel spontaneous and uninhibited. If you don’t feel that this describes your life experience, your solar chakra could probably use some support.
If you’re still unsure, consider the following questions:
- Do you struggle with low self-esteem, guilt or feelings of powerless?
- Do you care a lot about, or are you easily influenced by, other people’s opinions?
- Do you often feel angry, aggressive or rageful?
- Do you frequently experience digestive issues, including ulcers, acid reflux or upset stomachs?
If you answered yes to one or more of the questions above, then consider trying out one of the following solar plexus chakra health tips.
Your solar plexus chakra is connected with your level of confidence and self-esteem, the extent to which you’re centered in yourself, and being mentally balanced.
What Can I Do to Support My Solar Plexus Chakra?
While chakra healing is a comprehensive field, you can begin by taking some quick and easy steps TODAY to start to bring healing and balance into your solar plexus chakra.
Let me show you how easy it can be!
Tip # 1: Make Friends with a Yantra
Each chakra has a sacred symbol that represents it, called a yantra.
Here is the yantra for the solar plexus chakra:
Gazing upon this yantra in meditation will help to clear, strengthen and fortify your solar plexus chakra.
You can start by looking at this image with a very soft focus to your eyes. Don’t stare intently, just relax. You can start with as little as one to two minutes, and work you way up to ten or more.
Tip # 2: Tap into the Energy of YELLOW
The solar chakra is associated with the color yellow.
This means that wearing the color yellow can help to support the health of your solar chakra. So put on a bright yellow top or a lovely lemony scarf and let a feeling of confidence and empowerment start to permeate your body!
If you don’t want to wear yellow, you can simply gaze at the color, such as a yellow wall, a yellow flower or a nice bright lemon. Even a piece of yellow construction paper or a yellow crayon will work. Anywhere that you can find some yellow to look at will do just fine.
Tip # 3: Harness the Power of Crystal Healing
You can work with a crystal that supports the health of the solar plexus chakra. Some ideal choices include:
- Citrine
- Tiger’s Eye
- Topaz
But there are plenty of other choices available, too. Just follow your intuition to find the crystal that is right for you.
Once, you’ve got your crystal all picked out, you can hold the crystal in your hand and “breathe” in the energy of the stone.
Or, you can lie on your back and place the crystal directly on your solar plexus chakra, on your upper abdomen a couple of inches below where your sternum ends. As you lie with the stone, do so with the intention of supporting that chakra.
If you’re new to crystal healing start with five to ten minutes, and then gradually build up to 20 minutes of this practice.
Tip # 4: Work with the Magic of a Healing Affirmation
Another easy way to support the health of your solar plexus chakra is to work with an affirmation.
Here’s a healing affirmation for your solar plexus chakra:
“I am energized and grounded. I feel strong and safe.”
You can repeat this affirmation, either out loud or silently to yourself, while meditating. Or, you can just say it whenever you feel like it, supporting your solar plexus chakra, and all its many functions, throughout your day.
While you speak or think the affirmation, envision your solar plexus chakra as clear of blockages, spinning freely, and as a beautiful, bright yellow color.
Stopping to visualize your solar plexus chakra as healthy, while supporting it with loving, encouraging words throughout the day, is one of the fastest and most effective ways to make a difference in its functioning.
Tip # 5: Munch Mindfully!
One fun – and yummy way – to support the health of your solar plexus chakra is by eating food that specifically nourishes it.
The foods that we eat are one of our main sources of life force energy, and so they are a wonderful, and even necessary way, to support our chakra health. By consuming yellow foods, the color that corresponds to and is supportive of the solar plexus chakra, you can help encourage healing and balance in this chakra.
Here are some great choices:
- Corn
- Yellow bell peppers
- Yellow squash
- Parsnips
- Yukon gold potatoes
- Bananas
- Lemons
- Pineapples
As you munch on one of these foods, do so mindfully. Hold the intention that you’re supporting the health, well-being and balance of your solar plexus chakra. Repeat as often as you feel guided!
That’s it!
If you do as many of these tips as often as you can, you can expect to see a difference in the weeks to come. Of course, just like with any practice or goal, consistency is key. And doesn’t your solar plexus chakra deserve some loving support?
Remember, your solar plexus chakra is an important part of your energy system, and supports your:
- Self-esteem
- Confidence
- Healthy energy levels
- Digestion
- And more!
So what are you waiting for? Start loving your solar plexus chakra today!
If you’re really serious about the health of your chakras, did you know that chakra healing is a valuable skill that you can learn to share, both with yourself and others? To learn more, click here: Certified Chakra Healing Practitioner Course
So how do you feel about your solar plexus chakra health? Can you feel that it really doesn’t have to be hard to start bringing balance and healing into your chakra system?
Make sure you try out these easy-peasy tips TODAY and see if you feel a difference. Which tip are you going to start with? I’d love to hear all about your experiences in the comments below!
It’s important to remember that the chakras are a system and when one is out of whack, chances are some of the others are, too. So aim to work on supporting the health and balance of all of your chakras. Once again, be sure to check out my blog on all of the chakras, which you can find here: Chakras: What They Are and Why They Matter It has links to blogs on how to support each of the individual chakras!
Wishing you deep healing and lasting chakra health,
Tarin Rataic, The Reiki Guide
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